
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

God is Moving in the Moment

By Richard L. Spangler

   The Lord recently to me spoke “Stop saying I am moving in the hour, I am moving in the moment. What I am doing is different than any other move.  This is a time of my extravagance, there are things that are being released that have not been seen before on the earth. Do not look back to the way I moved before, do not hold onto the past.”

   In Matthew 14:22-36 we an example of God doing something new. We are familiar with the story, Jesus comes walking on the water to the disciples. This was something that had never happened. No one had ever seen a man walking on the water. The disciples were afraid, I would have.  Jesus said, “Do not be afraid, It is I.”  Then Peter, said, “ If it is you Lord tell me to come.” Jesus said, “Come.” In spite of everything Peter had experienced and knew about water, he stepped out of the boat. Peter walked on water until he started looking at storms and not Jesus. Jesus rescued him and they walked together.

  This a time, that Jesus is calling us to get out of our boats and walk with him into the “new” that is happening in this moment. But sadly, there are many that staying in their boats. Their attitude is, this is my boat, I like my boat and I am not letting go of my boat.

    A boat can be any number of things: the Jesus movement of the 1960s, the Charismatic Renewal of the 1970s, the Word of Faith of the 1980s and the Toronto Father’s Blessing and Pensacola Revival of 1990s and the early 2000s. All of these moves were new and different than what had come before and all were great.  These moves served their purpose, blessing God’s people and people all over the world came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Each time, there was a new move, we had to be willing to let go of the old boat and walk on the water into the new move of God. But, at some point, we build boats of tradition around these moves and became comfortable with our religious boats. They became “our boats”. To be able to experience and be part of what God is doing in the moment, each of us need to let go of “my boat” and step out and walk on the water with Jesus.

  There will be storms raging around us as there were before. The world is always in storms whether manmade or created by the devil. We need to keep our focus on Jesus and walk with him.

 God is saying, “Come and walk with me on the water.” The choice is ours, we can hold onto our boats or we can let go and walk on the water with Jesus. I choose to walk in the moment with Jesus, how about you?